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About Us

   AGRO YAb Us 1USTINA is the only specialized farm in Bulgaria for production of meet and breeding animals from the breed “Boer”. It is situated in Southern Bulgaria, in the extremely picturesque locality around Ustina village, near Plovdiv.

   The farm is with capacity 300 mother-goats and it is built according to a project, part of the Rural development program. This will be the biggest and the most modern farm for the breed Boer in Europe. The animals in the farm are highquality and they are imported from Austria and Germany. Part of the animals have genetic heritage from high class breeding animals from England, Australia and South Africa. The imported for the moment Boer goats are acclimatizing excellent and they give really high indicators for fertility and growing capacity, which is comparable with the most high class farms in the other countries in the EU. 20160112 125845

   The breed Boer is the only specialized breed in the world for meat production. The creation of the breed has begun in the XX century in the Southern African republic, by farmers in the Eastern Province Cape. As a base for the creation the breed was used a diverse population of local nomad African goats who were injected for years with blood of different European, Indian and Angora goats. The name originates from the Holland word “Boer” which means “farmer”. The registry of the breed was created in 1959, and since 1970 the breed Boer was included in the National circuit for testing of sheep and goats. This fact has made the breed the first breed of goats, included for estimation of the local productivity. Because of the unique biological, agricultural and functional characteristics of the breed Boer, it has became one of the undoubted hits on the market, with record prices for breeding animals and maintenance of high prices of the meat.